Download filter
I wrote this because I hate sockets, It downloads a file to "c:\windows\temp\downloadfilter.dat" then opens it and searches for data between two user supplied strings.

Rachel's Here, Party's Over
This is a pretty cool program that once installed will allow a user to rightclick a folder and sort the contents of the folder into dvd-sized folders for burning (it keeps the file/folder structure intact)

Kaspersky webscan log parser
This program takes an argument of a kaspersky webscan log. This will let you drag and drop the saved html file onto kaspersky.exe, and it will delete all files. This program is best used outside of windows (use bartpe)

Data sorty extention thingy
This program takes all files in a given folder (argument, or drag and drop). It will move all files into seperate folders based on extension.

Url downloader
This program takes 2 arguments, first is the url, second is the destination. It downloads the url, to the destination. Useful for batch files.

Listen to the interwebs
This program requires winpcap to listen to network traffic on a specified adapter, and transform that data into midi music. It lets you select instrument, and key and fun stuffs.

Kill handles
This program takes a filename (full or partial) and kills any open handles to the file. It does NOT kill the process, or the thread, just the handle. The program will react the same as if you pulled out the flash drive it was reading/writing to.

Gimme some ideas, ill code them, and give you credit.